The "OH SHIT!"/minute ratio is pretty outstanding.
By far my favorite part of the game is how it just infuriates so many people that don't like it for whatever reason.
As someone who spent a small fortune at the skating rink on the arcade version- I hope you're right
It's going to be tough for DK to be a better game though- they've nailed the formula for those new rayman games. It's like a casual super meat boy
Don't wannaaaa
So is strider going to be good or what
what an insane proposition. now excuse me while i use the 83 dollars i make every hour working from home to buy NEW NIKE AIR JORDANS and order CONVENIENT WEBSITE HOSTING FOR ONLY 9 DOLLARS A YEAR.
I think we'll be seeing more of this in the near future honestly. There's been a trend for the first post on most articles to be entitled whining about either the content of the post or the author themselves lately and it seems a lot of people have had their fill of it.
Or it's the ultimate stranger
Tip #1: Check your email constantly for the next 3 days.
Or maybe he just wrote the story into such an insane corner that he knows there's no way to close the series out without pulling some Lost bullshit. Anyone that's beaten VLR knows what I'm talking about. Great games- and I hope he's got a plan- but based on the previous two twists- the third game would be in a hell of…
so you prefer lots of big hairy dicks?
A sidewinder + tie fighter is really all id ever need to die happy
aww my randy ultimate poop gif is not working right.