Needs more randy. I would do whatever it took to unlock "I thought this was America?" and "dey took yer jerb".
Needs more randy. I would do whatever it took to unlock "I thought this was America?" and "dey took yer jerb".
Yeah you are.
I loved dragon commander. Except for the actual game parts. If they broke out the politics and made that it's own thing I could get lost in that for months.
Try neo scavenger. It's single player but has all the cannibalism you could want
Oh fuck the internet
Except for all the people who got addicted to NCAA 2003's career mode. But hey, why broaden your horizons right?
Blitz fo lyfe
What a dong!
in before this gets way stupid in here.
daaanger zone.
You're everything wrong with everything. Go away forever.
did anyone else start singing "its suuuuch a perfect day" as soon as that trailer started?
Man if I spend that much time doing side quests I'd want a bazooka and a jet pack to make it worth my while.
It's a fantastic game- but I couldn't shake the feeling that a lot of the things that made it great were lifted from Sid meiers pirates (in its various reincarnations). Unfortunately, it seemed to miss out on the things that really made those games classics- the risk and exploration. I hated how I never felt…
More like "Watch Us Cancel Your Preorders, Dogs"
Page 1: Mordin sex scene.
I was waiting on wasteland 2 to satisfy my fallout cravings (without having to deal with griefers) and then I saw the rps article on this bad boy
Important question: where is blue shift 2?
I got it as a gift and threw it in after i beat DR3. It's not perfect and i wouldn't pay 60 bucks for it, but it's got some great moments- it's far from the worst launch game i've ever played- i'd argue it's better than most of the 360 launch titles. It's also hands down the game to load up when you want to show off…
I'm curious if Ryse will pass Daikatana as the game that got the most shit from people who never played it.