
Most pickle spears and sport peppers aren’t that big, but it’s not especially difficult to bite through everything. Just grab the far end of the bun and use your index finger on top to hold everything together and it’s easy.

If you build it right, it maintains hot dog integrity to the last bite. As many people have written here, the order of ingredients is important!

Yeah it’s kind of crazy how little you get. I’ll grab some of the sweet cereals as a late night dessert option if it’s on sale, but for breakfast... eh not really

Because they’re obviously terrible parents. And it’s a lot more common than you’d think.

Am parent. An attention span is probably 95% of the job at a minimum.

I agree with the thrust of your overall point, but I also think there’s a better way to implement some of this stuff than ‘have players stop to paw through a bunch of scopes, including some nobody wants on anything other than a sniper rifle, every five minutes or so’. Give me the ability to earn skill points that

I agree with you bigger picture but Zack still summarized pretty nicely how I felt with B4B, specifically because the concept of “card” made me wary before a circa 15 minute test run on Game Pass.

If you play with a few friends on rookie difficulty, it’s not too bad. Yet playing alone, with random players, or on harder difficulties can be a pain in the ass.”

The unsung heroes of Starbucks are the people who know what they want in advance, that it is a simple thing, they pay in cash which they have ready, don’t fuck about with special orders or hitting on the server, and they clear out quick once their order is ready.

On the menu next week - pulled stork mac ‘n’ cheese.

We haven’t ordered delivery in years for just this reason. We are no more than 2 miles from the 3 pizza places we frequent, but when you order delivery, it takes 60 minutes. It doesn’t matter what day/time. It’s always at least an hour. But if we order for pickup, it usually takes 10-12 minutes. It’s crazy. So we

Silver for athletes, steel for humans.

Chipotle has always been willing to make you a quesadilla if you ordered it in person. The “excitement” was the price varied from order to order. Sometimes it was rung up like a full price burrito and other times it was $1. Every time it was only cheese in a flour folded in half and heated up.

One thing I like doing when I go out to eat is get a Diet Coke and ask for lemon and lime wedges. I know that there are Diet Coke variants that already have lemon and lime but I like to add them fresh. Sometimes I’ll even do lemon, lime, and grenadine.

Truthfully speaking here, the “restaurant” is a fast-casual chain that is a synonym for a pattern/routine, back in early 2016, and the store was a brand new location. I remember this event because it was a surprise to every manager I talked too. It was like we were a test bed for it. I originally thought that that was

It’s not illegal, it’s just a dick move.

He never entered any agreement with any third-party app to allow orders through their service. This didn’t stop DoorDash from listing a delivery option for his pizza restaurants, though, and it resulted in orders that made customers unhappy. The pizzas they ordered for delivery through DoorDash would arrive cold,


Standards don’t win elections.