
I miss their giant churros. They weren’t very good, but I enjoyed gnawing on them like a rat when I was a kid.

Vanilla chocolate chip is my personal favorite, but I get why it’s not as popular anymore. It’s boring. Its flavor profile is not as profile as other popular flavors. I get it.

Bright side: if vanilla chocolate chip does go bye-bye, then at least it’s simple enough to make at home. 

I’m glad a new generation of gamers are learning about the existence of this classic film.

Does this mean that OINKPEC is going to decrease production to drive up demand?

Dang it, don’t ruin my scam bro

I think these are all fantastic changes—especially the perk system for ranking up your armor. Hopefully the perks will shake up the meta, especially at the highest levels in ALGS.

Trade offer:

Ah, good ol’ GOW. My friend and I played through the campaigns from GOW 1 - 3 again and it was a ton of fun. The games still hold up for the most part.

I never got the hang of the PvP for the games, but it was always a pleasure to goof around in private matches with friends

I’d let people make fun of me all day if I had the same net worth as Ms. Swift

That sounds like a worthy tradition to follow, friend

noooooooo the pickle’s too biiiiiiiig

Thank you for being honest with me, stranger

I will make it a point to watch Chicagoans devour those hot dogs the next time I visit the city. Discretely, of course--I certainly wouldn’t want to spook the natives

What is the ideal building order for a proper Chicago dog?

Asking as an outlander looking in: do Chicagoans really chomp through all that stuff in one bite when they’re eating a properly constructed Chicago hot dog?

My jaw feels sore just looking at the Portillo’s dog. The pickle spear is enormous

Your dedication to the cause is inspirational, Nemo


I’d love to hear a pundit speak these words live on TV. That would be a fun 24 hour news cycle

Apex Legends has an incredibly steep learning curve. New players have to learn a ton of stuff just to operate at a base line level. You have to learn how each of the individual legends work, the gun recoil patterns, movement techniques, how the attachments work and so on.

THEN you have to learn how to make smart

I don’t buy physical games anymore for the simple fact that I’m extremely lazy.