
Because they sold 25000% of the play to investors. If the play makes a thousand dollars in profit, the producers would owe the investors a total of 25 million dollars; if the play makes a million dollars, they’d owe the investors 25 billion dollars, and so on. Pretty soon questions would get asked, the police would

Great, now guys wearing makeup will be associated with rich-kid douchery, and guys in makeup will get beaten up for that as well, in addition to all the usual reasons (i.e. the public’s homophobia and idiocy). So, another reason to dislike this young man.

I found Microsoft’s incredibly annoying insistence that I upgrade — which included numerous attempts to outright trick me into doing so — to be more than reason enough to hate Windows 10. Look, I use 8.1, it works great. What will Windows 10 give me that I don’t have now? Meanwhile, being pestered to upgrade every

“I hope to God that war will always be a rare last resort”

What’s an io9?

I’m just reading The Female Man for the first time, and when reading all the scenes of men and women interacting - in horribly sexist and rape-ey ways - I was all like “wow, this feels so dated! It must’ve been awful living back then, but now it’s like watching a cringe-worthy old movie!” And then I turn on the

... because now he’ll die of polonium 210 poisoning?

“IOC punishes Russian team by forcing it to go to Rio; crying athletes swear to never dope again”

Maybe Putin just sent them the same photo that this article uses in the header; it’d be enough to terrify me... Those eyes, those cold, soul-less eyes! D:

Ah yes, the law. It’s so important when a major corporation finds that a consumer somewhere downloaded an mp3 they weren’t supposed to. When it’s a big company that wants to steal intellectual property though, especially intellectual property that belongs to someone who may not be able to afford an army of lawyers,

Fly in a plane? Bah! That newfangled aero-plane contraption is hardly a proper way for dignified folks of taste to travel, good sir.

Remember when Colbert tried to become a candidate a few years back? If he tried it again this election cycle, I wonder if he’d win? :P

Wait... Are you saying... It’s possible to react to strangers... By being nice to them? And... not shooting them, or threatening to shoot them? I... I don’t know, your approach just sounds so crazy and unorthodox...

If his version of the story is correct his first reaction to seeing a person who seems slightly suspicious is to start pointing guns and yelling angrily. He should be locked up, or at the very least ruled mentally unfit to handle firearms, even if everything he says is 100% true.

Or just tried to escape from the maniac trying to shoot them. I doubt they were trying to run him down intentionally; probably they were just trying to get away from the nutbar as quickly as possible in a (very understandable) state of panic.

The man’s version sounds like it does absolutely nothing to excuse him. It sounds like even in his version of the story the kids are very much the victims here. The only thing they did wrong is not reporting the crime of this nutbar attempting to murder them — and that’s if you’re correct in guessing that they must

It sounds like the man in this story is an absolute nut who very nearly murdered some kids in cold blood due to nothing other than his paranoia and his obsession with the (sadly common these days)“I’m gonna shoot some bad guys with mah guns and be a gun hero, because yay guns” narrative.

“Hmm... It seems that under the right circumstances, a game producer could make more money with a flop than he could with a hit!”

You worship starfighters? In what form? I have to admit I’m interested — I’ve heard of crazier religions.