
Even “safe” and consensual porn is often somewhat problematic, though. Firstly, of course, most of it is made from a male perspective, and so naturally the male in the average straight porn video is the character we’re expected to empathise with, while the women are there to satisfy him sexually, and are more

While I’m not against porn myself, I’d also like to play devil’s advocate here: Blaming a single individual for this single crime is an over-simplification of the issue. Anti-porn advocates (along with many other perhaps more reasonable people) could point out that there are deeper cultural issues at play — the way

But will it turn into a Best of Queen tape if left in the car for two weeks?

Few things depress me as much as people trying to punish other people for simple, harmless displays of affection or joy.

... Well I think the point was it’s a fact that doesn’t need to be explained. “Mansplaining” is when a man explains something (may well be a fact) that is already understood (or else is simply irrelevant), because either a) he thinks everyone else in the room just can’t possibly be as clever as he is, and so clearly

I don’t think so. I mean, I think the point of the article was to troll precisely the kind of people who have the mindset that is required to find this article “within the realm of possibility” based on “a few other articles over the years.” I’m sure if you found those articles you’re referring to they’d actually be ve

And this article plays on people like you. It’s a troll article.

The original article is a troll. You have been trolled.

Maybe they just really like Pokemon and their goal from the start was to make a Pokemon fan game, and not an original game merely “based” on the franchise. Like, I’m a Star Trek fan. I’m not a game designer, but if I were, I’d probably have a lot more fun making a Star Trek game, rather than a Generic Space Game #73

Valve built the Pyramids! And they contain a code that can tell us the release date of Half-Life 3!”

This terrifies me. Sometimes it seems the right just freely re-writes facts — widely available, well-known facts — in whatever way is convenient for them. Just a couple of days ago Trump’s campaign announced that Obama was the one who started the war in Afghanistan — and now this? Why do they think they can get away

As someone who’s had some experience doing manual labour, and who does not particularly wish to relive those days ever again, I say — good news. :P

Maybe she liked Tesla? Or was an environmentalist? Eh. It’s too big a story to get hung up on stuff like that, for me.

Wow this pokemon bug is really annoying, uh... Eggs.

And everyone hates it. Advertising money well spent!

Contrary to popular belief it is not, in fact, physically impossible for businessmen to shoot themselves in the foot when it comes to sales and profits on the basis of personal biases and prejudices. It happens all the time. Salesmen and managers and all the other human beings who make up corporations and businesses

I have literally not heard a single Hillary Clinton supporter say much of anything about Bill this election cycle.

I am annoyed by this idea that corporations can never really be sexist, because they only care about making money. Corporations are run by people. People have personal beliefs and baises, often not backed by hard facts. “Women like stories! Women don’t care about scores!” is a narrative that people believe. It’s a

Well, whoops. :P Thanks for the correction! :X

Handy guideline: If you’re reading Fox News or some conservative blog, then they’d probably misgender him constantly and emphasize how he was “born female.” If you’re reading a normal news source that doesn’t come from Fox (or from some deeply conservative country), then you can safely assume that if a person is