There was also a planet modeled on Nazi Germany so they had their alien built Mercedes.
There was also a planet modeled on Nazi Germany so they had their alien built Mercedes.
Are you referring to “A Piece of the Action?” That was a culture who had framed their societal development around a single book about the gangster wars in 1920s Chicago. That would make them human cars using alien technology.
There was the episode where a planet mimicked 1920s earth. They drove around in cars that looked like Model As but they were made by aliens.
In 2012, Daisy Coleman of Maryville, Missouri, was sexually assaulted by the grandson of a former state…
I’d consider myself porn-positive but I will share this: I recently came across of some Sasha Grey videos. (She is, or maybe used to be, an actual porn star—she made big money, was profiled in mainstream media, had Steven Soderbergh cast her in one of his movies, etc.)
Yeah, totally. I love this. Sometimes it seems like if you criticize any aspect of porn, people are either like, ‘so you want to ban it, what about free speech?’ or ‘you’re not sex-positive,’ or ‘yes, exactly, it’s sinful, and also we should stop masturbation.’
I liked your nuanced response. Porn didn’t create sex crimes or a misogynistic society, and banning it wouldn’t fix those problems. Violent porn and its high level of popularity are a symptom, not a cause, of the root issue.
If you carefully read tge article, you’ll see that RPI staff forced prisoners to rework unfit helmets, and falsify QC reports they’d already correctly filled out. The problem here was ironically corrupt members of the Bereau of Prisons, not so much the prisoners themselves.
Yeah, I’m pretty certain it’s not the inmate part of the story that’s the problem...
“What a loser. Half his state is underwater! Sad!”
Honestly, it’s more about ethics in gaming journalism than anything else.
Women can vote now (you’re welcome!) so I’m not really sure what else they want.
Lowered expectations. "Hey we at least let them drive." Thanks, what a concession.
“The pay gap is a lie,” they added as they readjusted their fedora, muttering something about “objective facts.”
Why do you even need indoor plumbing? We already have an outhouse. And plenty of other people in the world don’t even have those! You’re just being greedy.
100% of those surveyed who believe sexism is no longer a problem followed their answer, unprompted, with: “do you even know what it’s like in Saudi?” Then they shared a meme about how nice guys never get the girl.
According to a new poll from Pew, 56 percent of men think sexism is a thing of the past. “Finally,” the women of…
You covered the basic mechanics great, but glanced off the real reasons people struggle with this. The problem is even getting to the point where those instructions could be put to use. Disclaimer: This is from the male perspective.
But 'biologically female' is a concept not really supported by biology.
it is obviously a seriously difficult issue given an extremely rare medical condition. my point is that for a host of reasons, elite athletes have a genetic advantage over most people...whether than is height, size, strength, narrow in on a single characteristic seems like a sub optimal solution.