“He’s calling on Turkish citizens to move onto public squares and airports...”
“He’s calling on Turkish citizens to move onto public squares and airports...”
Perhaps they should not be put in charge of writing public statements for their company, then. I’m not great at maths, so I probably should not be put in charge of orbital calculations for NASA. This person is not great at English, so perhaps they shouldn’t be the spokesperson for a company operating in a…
He’s a lawyer!
Today’s headline: Republican says a sane, normal, non-awful thing! Also in the news: freak snowstorms hit Hell, cats and dogs living together, sun rises in the West, more at 11.
Please send me $13,000 USD and I will give you a super-special level ten-billion badge that I will design and make myself. Out of cardboard. Actually, if I make it out of cardboard that’ll mean it’d be *more* objectively valuable than the cloud-hosted pixels this clown spent all his money on, so really, I’m offering…
Fucking fuck. And so society’s war against mental illness people with mental illness continues. Good job, judge person, you really showed that poor, sobbing, depressed violence victim how to be a productive and responsible member of society, there! Or at least, you showed her how not to be one...
I think they’re against people making money in non-traditional ways / ways they themselves would not consider. Either that, or they’re just against people having fun, that’s possible too.
God forbid someone votes fo the candidate they actually like. That’s not what democracy is about! As Kang once said, “it’s a two-party system! You have to vote for one of us! Mwahahahaha! MWAHAHAHAHA!” But don’t blame me — I’m voting for Kodos.
It’s a bit concerning that one could just re-name the list to “the ten most common cars you’ll find in large numbers on any given road in North America” and for the most part it’d still be accurate. :P Heck, even the hummer limos aren’t all that rare, though fortunately (?) most aren’t quite as crispy.
Isn’t f/f romance like ten million zillion bajillion times more stereotyped though, because “girl-on-girl is hot”? I mean, I get what you’re saying, but can you really name some notable female/female friendships that don’t come with their own porn gallery attached, either? :P
Thanks, Obama!
It’s a sad story, and I feel bad for Thomossan, but at the end, it’s a fair rule, and the disqualification is a fair one. Those involved *should* all have fishing licenses, and I’d say it was Thomossan’s responsibility to make certain everyone on his crew had a license. One of his crew-mates lied to him and let him…
I am always happy to make peace with other commenters over our mutual dissatisfaction with Kinja.
Well no, I meant that the (first) notice of noise violation came after the eviction, and that the whole situation seems a lot less like the landlord being fed up and flying off the handle, and a lot more like the landlord being a homophobic prick who was using the noise violation as an excuse to kick a “fag” out.
Yet another comment about how excessive noise in apartments is bad. Yes, very good! You are correct! Too much noise in an apartment complex is indeed bad! Now would you like to go back and actually read the story you’re commenting on?
Your comment is both true and completely, entirely irrelevant to the actual situation described in the article you’re commenting under!
And it also sounds like you didn’t read the story you’re commenting on! Which isn’t as bad as not reading one’s lease, granted, but still must be a bit embarrassing for you, eh?
Well, on the other hand, his ex-landlord was acting like a privileged, entitled jerk himself, so, you know. I can imagine it could be fairly satisfying to deflate that ego!
Few things are as frustrating as seeing adults use five-year-old logic to try to excuse their horrible, adult-scale mistakes. “The rope accidentally hit her!” indeed. I’m pretty sure if a bully tried using this excuse while explaining himself to a teacher at the school where I grew up, the teacher’s response would…
“You can’t get caught up in your own individual emotions and having this zest to speak out, to the point where it compromises your husband.”