But then, who the heck needs thirty kids?
But then, who the heck needs thirty kids?
In your place it would have taken me about a night and a half to just show up at this neighbour’s doorstep at midnight with a sledgehammer, and ask him very firmly whether he needs any help with his new backyard project. If you failed to do this, kudos, for you are a better diplomat than I.
I feel... some sympathy for these millionaires, actually, and I sincerely hope their lawsuit against this jerk succeeds.
Ooo, I didn’t notice that! Thank you! Now, off to hire some voice actors...
Yaaay! But, there must have been more than 70, surely
I really want a complete collection of all the things Jezebel has called Trump over the months.
How many hours, do you think, before Putin threatens to hydrogen-bomb France over this?
Oh wowww, only a half a thousand dollars for a very mediocre vacuum cleaner that happens to push itself! What a steal.
Oh wowww, only a half a thousand dollars for a very mediocre vacuum cleaner that happens to push itself! What a…
Unless her parents can seriously get their heads out of their asses, would she really benefit from any sort of reconciliation? Sometimes there are toxic (or worse) people in your life who are best let go of, no matter how sad and painful it may be to let go of someone who was supposed to love and protect you.
In the future, *every* word will be a double entendre, and we will all be forced to communicate through a system of caveman grunts.
I ‘like’ how this guy mentions his son’s victim a grand total of zero times in the quoted chunk of text (well, unless we count the “20 minutes of action” phrase as the mention...) “What’s the big deal? What my son did was a victimless crime! Wait, what? There is a victim, you say? Uh... well, that’s a shame, now can…
Novel full-body crumple-zone technology!
This may be the shape of things to come.
Damn those poors, sullying our democracy with their participation. When will they learn their place?
This is nice of GOG, but eh. I still remember GOG as the company that took a whole bunch of abandonware games that were effectively free for anyone willing to read the DOSBox user manual, and found a way to charge money for them. For gosh’s sake, they charge money for Star Control II, when there’s a superior port of…
“a bewildered, golden-helmeted astronaut”
What did you think the Ghostbusters do with their catch?
Firstly, how is “women are too emotional to be objective during experiments” actually better (or particularly different) than saying “women don’t belong in science?”
Are we going to mention the fact that they randomly stuck a bit of Apple’s iconic 1984 ad in there, with Clinton’s face pasted onto the giant screen? (At around 0:42 or so). Like... huh. Firstly, dramatic almost to the point of self-parody. Secondly... do they actually maybe need some sort of legal permission from…