
I think it has to do with culture, also. A lot of immigrants come from more conservative countries (e.g.: most of Eastern Europe), feel uncomfortable with teh gays and teh feminazis, and vote accordingly.

Ahem. Flavo-U-r. Flavour. Proper British spelling please.

Maybe there’s been a terrible misunderstanding, and Trump was just running for Class President this whole time?

*Shrug* I agree with most of your stated positions (except the Link being a girl one — I honestly don’t see what’s bad about it; it’s not like different incarnations of video game characters are always consistent anyway); and while I wouldn’t call myself a SJW, mostly because it’s an annoying term over-used by

Wait, so the extremist SJW in your example basically just... correctly predicts the GG’s reaction? :P I’m... not sure how that makes the hypothetical SJW there wrong, or extremist...

I don’t know much about Gamer Gate, but SJW just seems to be thrown around in response to anyone showing the slightest bit of awareness and concern about social issues... “I think maybe it’s not a terrible thing that this game has a gay character.” “Boo, go away, Social Justice Warrior! Gays are so gay!”

The only valid complaint here (aside from the bugs) may be that the actual quality of the writing is not too good. But, I doubt this is the first time that an NPC in a computer game had a bit of clumsy dialogue. It’s hard to imagine it generating this much hate and anger if it was just a random non-descript NPC whose

“Girls can be anything — acrobats, figure scaters, even ballet dancers! All traditionally masculine careers where brave, stereotype-shattering women have now made inroads.”

Hay, remember when the story about this pay disparity first came out, and everyone rushed to defend the men’s higher salaries by claiming that the men’s team probably generated more revenue? WELP. So much for that theory, eh?

I like that somehow the message you took from this article is that we need to be less patient and more judgemental towards people with special needs.

Sadly the ISS can’t really help us study the radiation problem. It’s in a low Earth orbit, and still protected by the Earth’s magnetic field. Once you get into deep space, you’re facing radiation problems on a whole new level — and going on a long-term mission that may last months makes the problem bigger still.

Coming soon from the makers of Sharktopus: Attack of the Leopard Squid!

Kinja AND spam! Oh joy, my two favourite things on the Internet, rolled into one!

Kinja AND spam! Oh joy, my two favourite things on the Internet, rolled into one!

I dunno why you’d have that reaction either! Please, do tell.

You’ve got terrible blog commentary dribbling out of your fingers. :P

And the real winner of the beauty pageant was supposed to be Al Gore.

“Excellent” “use” of “scare quotes” there, “Doug.”

Decoy exhaust ports! Why didn’t the Empire think of that...

Humour is really the best part of this game. I love Pauling’s new contract lines (and I’m glad I got to hear them here, because I’m not a big fan of contracts as an actual game-play mechanic. :P)