
I like puppies, and also rainbows. Yay, we’re sharing about things we like!

You call that a sparkhole?

In other news, the Japanese government still can’t figure out why many young women are so down on marriage. Curse this un-solvable population crisis conundrum!

This would also be a great argument for more men changing their last names at marriage.

Whoa, hold on, that looked like a female character, and she was actually doing stuff! In Independence Day??? Nooo! The evil politically-correct commu-nazis ruin yet another franchise!

You could do worse, America. You could do a looot worse.

“No, wait, come back! Don’t make me walk through this! Ugh... One step at a time... So glad I don’t have a nose.”

Judging by this human’s posting history, they’re either a *very* dedicated troll, or an actual sexist arse. I tend to think the latter more likely.

It’s been a while, but if I remember right Lysistrata was still pretty sexist, so maybe not the best model for a movement. Also if I remember right, the female characters in Lysistrata had almost as much difficulty giving up sex as the males. Probably because it was written before the whole “women don’t like sex,

Make an app that lets me use this to dial phone numbers, and I’m sold. :P

Make an app that lets me use this to dial phone numbers, and I’m sold. :P

Uh... Why is this funny? Or okay? Why are you openly publishing this on the internet? Is... is this something you’re proud of? Cuz I think maybe that is a mistake.

Meanwhile, gender-fluid non-binary people have to deal with actual physical violence, like the kind that can sometimes involve literal, rather than metaphorical, knives. But no, surely the real problem with our society is that sometimes sexist idiots get criticised on Twitter.

Ah, in that case I completely agree with you.

Yuppers. Sexism hurts both men and women. Here, men are being disregarded when applying for a job, but at the same time, the “women = secretary” stereotype is reinforced. Both genders end up being screwed over. I think it’s that way with a lot of sexism, but somehow feminism has become a dirty word because people are

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse? Unless I severely misunderstood the article, this is a Canadian company, operating in Canada, that just happens to be run and/or staffed predominantly by Russian-speakers (which is not all that uncommon, actually). Pretty sure that when you start your own company and decide your

Multiculturalism! Woo. As a Canadian, I... have mixed feelings about it. I like the concept up to a point, but I think there are some basics we should kind of all agree on, first. Like, if your culture thinks that women should be receptionists and men should not, maybe your culture is just... wrong? On that point?

That’s well put. In response to the sort message this mother sent, any reply nicer than “fuck off, you bigoted asshole” actually seems like a demonstration of politeness and restraint. :P

I... think you’re being more than a little judgemental here. You don’t know this drama teacher, you don’t know what kind of life they’ve led, and you don’t know how much homophobia they may have had to deal with in the past. I don’t think sitting around being all Judgey McJudgington about how people you’ve never met

Awesome reply.

Eh. America is a country where people still get assaulted and harassed for being gay. Homophobia is a pretty big deal to many, many people, and not a minor inconvenience of some sort. I agree that the mother’s post could have been worse, but really, no matter how politely you put it, the basic message remains “I think