
Probably not a fair comparison. I mean, transgender people kind of tend to... get killed, or beaten up, or harassed. Like, a lot. Disproportionately, one might say. I’d say the situation of transgender people is a lot more similar to the situation of racial minorities than to generally well-off sub-culture members.

“In Ten Years, You Can Become an Incredible Artist... That is, if you have talent...”

“It appears that the threat of harm to America from Isis now is just as real and serious as that from our enemies then...”

Yeah, I dunno. Script writers seem to love having stupid characters make sexist/homophobic/transphobic comments, and then claim that oh, we’re laughing at the character making the comment, not with them. It doesn’t always feel genuine. It often feels more like someone wanted to make an offensive joke, and tried to

I, for one, welcome our new feline overlords.

Why is she in jail for three and a half decades, again? For revealing that the military screwed up? For making powerful people look bad? For taking that whole “freedom of speech” thing a little too far? Her whole case seems a bit disturbing to me. How is it legal for the government to lock away whistle-blowers for

What is the spoiler here? That Leia isn’t... dead? That people talk to her at some point in the movie? Do you really think there’s a major plot point revolving around the idea that at some point between the original trilogy and the upcoming film, she changed her title? O_o It’s not like Finger revealed that Luke

I like the headline, “I Both Did and Did Not Meet Vladimir Putin In A Green Room.” If you put Vladimir Putin and all the Republican presidential nominees in a sealed green room, in which they cannot be observed, and have a mechanism in the room that has an exactly 50/50 chance of breaking a vial of toxic gas, then

Remember girls, you can’t be an astronaut because girls are bad at math, and you can’t be a firefighter because girls are so weak — but you can totally wear sexy astronaut- or fireman-themed underwear! That’s even better! Being sexy is what girls are naturally good at, just like boys are naturally good at... all the

The government, in most countries, retains a certain amount of say about how people can treat currency. After all, it’s the government that issues the currency, and regulates it, either directly or through an arm’s length corporation. Many countries (including Canada and the US as examples) have laws that make it

“I have many human feelings in my human organs.”

“If you wish to tell your readers about the embargo on the date of our embargo, you may do so after the date of...”

I was bitten by a radioactive brain.

... Okay, but looking at theoretical military capability alone seems a bit silly. Do you want to launch cruise missiles at Chinese territory? Do you want to start World War III? Probably not. You’d probably let China impose whatever area denial scheme they want, instead. Maybe file a few nice protests and send in a

I’d say a large majority of the stuff that makes people money in the world is stupid, in one way or another.

They should all get real jobs, like TV actors, or indie musicians, or marketing executives!

The latter can often lead to the former

Pathologically selfish? What? In what way? Even if she *did* have an evil plot to give birth to her baby in US airspace — which is far from conclusively proven — isn’t “pathologically selfish” a bit harsh? She inconvenienced the others on the plane and cost an airline some corporate pocket change, and even if this

It... actually seems pretty reasonable to have a no-smoking rule when your business caters to families with kids. Not getting the sarcasm.

Wait, what? I thought Hitler was generally accepted to be a charismatic fool who was ultimately more or less responsible for his own downfall. He was a terrific painter, though. He could paint an entire apartment in one afternoon. Two coats.