Bat flipping is for punks.
Bat flipping is for punks.
Take that hack Casey Chan with you.
My cousin is a Cinderella on one of the cruise ships. Jeepers Creepers those below deck bunks stink like sex.
Lindsey’s voice sure has gotten.....hoarse. Like I’ve heard men with voices that deep. she been smokin.
those dresses are ugly as fuuuuuuuuu!!!
Step 1: Get a Rimjob
Step 2: Get Money
The best baseball player these eyes have ever seen.
step 1. make awful, not funny pun.
step 2. harvest recommendations.
step 3. ????
step 4. Profit?
Friend of mine did this exact thing. Quit his job at a call center, moved to TX, he’s working on Star Citizen right now. He absolutely loves it.
this is the fucking stupidest thing I’ve ever encountered.
Because its there.
boy... my mind went to dirty town on that picture...I’m a bad person
fucking this. Times a thousand, framed on the wall.
Dont worry Johnny. there’s still one fan that loves you.
eh, no.
The guy should’ve asked them if they were actors or not... AT LEAST ACT LIKE YOU’RE EXCITED
sounds fun. I like that game... its called GUNS OF ICARUS and its been out for a few years already.
The Mall Walkers Association of America is going to love this...