This is going to be a feel good story by the time that the Olympics are over.
This is going to be a feel good story by the time that the Olympics are over.
One of these days, a swatting story is going to end in death. And it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it. Fuck the people who do this shit.
Goose Gossage: (has aneurysm)
This is the dumbest fucking argument I’ve ever heard. So pro athletes are bad guys when they go for the biggest bucks. But they’re bad guys when they go for less bucks to go to a team that is most likely to get them a ring. I guess the only right move KD could have made would be to take less bucks to go to the Knicks.
Didn’t take long for “That Guy” to show up
Get a PC lol
fucking this. Times a thousand, framed on the wall.
Eh, I’d rather watch this kid than Bayless and Stephen A., so I guess that’s something.
-Colin Kaepernick
You know this isn’t feminist, racist, sally pants gawker right? A lot of the people on here; that talk on Foxtrot are ex armed forces, you do understand that you are opening a can of worms right? You have no valid points, are talking out your ass and really have absolutely no business commenting other than the…
Considering everyone has melanin, you’re a damned idiot.
Jalopnik in general and FA in particular have been relatively free of morons like yourself. I’d like to echo the sentiments of satalac and say GTFO.
You also think the white man is the devil according to all your other posts. Go back to gawker.
I commented on their Facebook post about this. It’s unreal that no one said, “Hey, since this takes place at the turn of the century, shouldn’t we create that vibe through the music?”
The video game industry is poisoned by the types who think Wiz Khalifa belongs in a World War 1 game trailer. They think it’s hip and…
Go right long enough and you’ll end up left.
I feel like these videos are more than a little vague so far. I appreciate the desire to focus on the people, not the games, but there’s a terrible lack of context to really give their accomplishments weight.
Great, great stuff. Excellent read.