
Where does Tactics Ogre fit on this list? #12? #17?

didnt they already try this with NV? Aren’t we still waiting for it?

Everything I say is greyed anyway so I’m just going to say whatever pops into my head because it won’t matter.

-Patrick Swayze’s best role was in POINT BREAK and not Dirty Dancing.
-Garlic makes everything taste better but drives all women away... as i suspected, they might be vampires after all.

Is it just me or does it look like Bruce Springsteen is driving that motorcycle?

but... I shot him in the face...

The real tragedy is that this food is absolute garbage... and there’s lots of people in NoKo that would love to have it everyday.

Couple of things...

1. If fat chick doesn’t want to get punched, don’t step into a fist fight.
2. I love how fat chick, having stepped into a fist fight, gets punched and then stops to decide whether to not to act like she just got shot.

Have fun on the bench while you rethink that decision kiddo.

used to be? Is.

Since when did we all decide Hockey was a gentleman’s sport?

When I glanced at the title I thought it said “dragongrandpa”. A game that sounds very fun by the way.

I know a dude who plays full seasons of Stratomatic baseball by himself. Thats all teams.... all games... and he keeps amazing statistics on all of it.

I was there man. It was a rough night.

She’ll be back when the money dries up. They always come back.

It is beautiful and angular. Now I am as happy as a little girl.

Everything about this movie is garbage.

Riveting..... *yawn*

Carl gets me everytime with this. Every time, I step back, take a deep breath and reflect upon his words. Humbling.

awful potty mouth on this kid. settle down killer.

the TED talk “Why you will fail to have a great career” changed my life. I went back to school after having tons of awful joe jobs and now I’m a doctor and I love it. I suppose it’s all in your perspective whether or not they do any good for you. If you go in close minded, I’d bet you’ll gain nothing from it. Not