Yeah they are! I’m very annoyed about it. My grocery store is selling 3 for $2.49. That’s crazy!
Yeah they are! I’m very annoyed about it. My grocery store is selling 3 for $2.49. That’s crazy!
Yay Pelican! I love their Cream Ale. I moved to the East Coast a few years ago and miss it.
Yes, this is the correct bacon.
Home of the throwed rolls! We stumbled upon Lamberts on a road trip once... So glad we did :)
I legit did not know there was such a thing until this article. I’ve always made them in muffin tins.
My problem is that it just seems like it’s taunting me... Oooh crisp weather and flannels sounds great - oh wait, it’s 92 degrees and 90% humidity right now. Boooo
Yep, this is the way to do it. Day after Thanksgiving, bring on the lights, tree, songs, etc. But before that - no way.
Around holidays, we still make a similar fruit salad to what you describe. Ours is mandarin oranges, canned cherries, canned pineapple, slivered almonds, mini marshmallows, and we use plain yogurt instead of the sour cream (“healthier” heh). I like the idea of coconut in it though! Yummy, now I want some...
Oooh interesting! I want to try this now.
This is perfect, because I just bought a bottle of maraschino (finally!) earlier this week! Definitely going to try this.
One of the best margaritas I’ve ever had was a prickly pear margarita in this cute cafe in Tucson. Highly recommend.
Does that exist?
Snicker-snack definitely fits in here somehow.
This. Exactly.
I believe he is thought to be from Morocco, in the 1800s - so possibly native speaking, but certainly not from France proper.
I had the same reaction to that stabbing! Took me out of the action... Otherwise, I really liked it. The hanging from the helicopter definitely made my stomach a bit woozy...
Ooh fun! That would make my eyes happy. Though as I just recently moved, I don’t think I’ll have the energy to do any book reorganization any time soon...
He fluently speaks English, Persian/Farsi, and German. He didn’t know French prior to filming Legion, he said he has been learning it for this role - so it’s not surprising to me that it wasn’t perfect or that his accent wasn’t on point.
Yum! I do one with mozz and fresh basil that’s tasty as well. Adding cheese in the meat mixture definitely helps turkey burgers achieve new heights.