
The whole “first” shit takes me back to my days as a Perez Hilton lurker. My gossip tastes have evolved since, thankfully.

Where the hell else are we going to get bad ideas for sex acts delivered with that much alliteration? “Thirty-Six Ways to Drive Your Man WILD” doesn’t fucking write itself, you know.


Let these snatched, overly contoured broads have their glossy mag cover. It’s not one of any real importance, so why care?

Just because you have seen it happen before doesn’t mean it’s happening again y’all are far too cynical and I am not going to be that type of person sorry until proven otherwise I am not going to question an ally just because some fellow feminist don’t like how enthusiastic he is

Might have been busy criticizing Matt instead.

Why is everyone hating on Matt McGorry so much? He seems earnest - and like he’s wanting to learn and grow and teach other people about something he’s excited about. He maybe seems a little like a puppy with a shiny new toy he can’t stop barking about, but isn’t having a passionate ally with a large fan base a

I am bringing this put of the greys because its hella true I don’t always like Amber but when I do she is awesome. Also I am so disappointed at all the commenters calling Matt creepy he is enthusiastic which seems great to me

My friend had her wedding dress made into baptismal gowns for her babies.

what do most people do with their wedding dress if they don’t do the “trash the dress” thing (which seems wasteful to me)? just keep it in their closet and hope they’ll have a kid who will need it?

random dude: “ I am a feminist!”

Amber Rose confuses me (see also Azealia Banks), some days I’m like

I don’t have much of an opinion on him one way or the other. But he was on a show with tons of feminist and queer women. Where he was one of the few men. And I think he genuinely absorbed a lot of what he saw and learned and it excites him.

I don’t know, I think he does. He reposts essays and posts from Laverne Cox and other trans activists, sharing their words and experiences. He was recently in a College Humor (or funny or die?) video with Amber Rose about reclaiming the walk of shame and it was 98% Amber and 2% Matt. But just Matt’s small part in that

I love Amber so much. Reading the comments on her Instagram from the pics she posted, tells me there are a lot of ignorant people out there who have no idea what the slutwalk was about. Also there is a lot of young people who have internalized the misogyny in our society.

I agree, but I don’t think he is the loudest voice. The loudest voice was Amber Rose. Matt is just doing what we ask all allies to do. It seems like Jezebels need to spend sometime being an activist ally to understand that Matt is doing everything right. We need more feminist men like him.

What a fucking strange thing to complain about. Always has to be something.

“Men are incredibly dumb...”