
Excuse me before you attack me more you should know

Thank you. I genuinely appreciate it.

You know what I didn’t even think of that. I didnt go find this I just copied it from the link. I do apologize for that though and have tried to take it down. Kinja wont allow it.

Yep I’m 100 i’m 100% responsible for her past being brought to light

You have no idea the shit that the rest of us live with. I have a pretty damn good reason for not being psyched this girl gets the chance to have another baby.

It was at the very bottom on the imgur site they linked.

I mean I should say good for her since she seemingly turned things around..........but I’m writing this while waiting to see my fertility doctor for the 17th month in a row so let’s just say bless her heart instead

The ending everyone saw coming....


Me after every tweet. That story was fan-fucking-tastic

I saw Fleetwood Mac twice and definitely sobbed hysterically both times. I would post the picture but the internet is a tricky bitch so here is a recreation of me 2 sec after they started into Dreams.

I MUST be sitting with my back against a wall to read any of these.

I read all of them to Mr.lala last year while carving pumpkins. Then caught him telling this one to his friends. He is a repeat offender with stealing my stolen stories.

Get it Wednesday!

I just had the guy I nanny for go on a 20 minute rant about how great this guy is. He controls my money so all I could do was vaguely agree and nod my head. My toes are pretty sore trying to tiptoe around the akwardness that I am a diehard liberal and will never vote for that asshole.

I remember the story about the writing on the door....because I am now obessive about locking all doors and windows.

Think of the crazy that’s left now though. One of them has to be the republican candidate...

Can we just say no to both and find a new beautiful man that has no major red flags like murderer.

Now playing

In her defense it was just a boyfriend.

Why are you people tearing apart all that I hold dear.