Clearly you just need to go for the more quantity approach - try 20 Ds in a night to get that engine started
Clearly you just need to go for the more quantity approach - try 20 Ds in a night to get that engine started
You know what I didn’t even think of that. I didnt go find this I just copied it from the link. I do apologize for that though and have tried to take it down. Kinja wont allow it.
It doesn't seem right to repost an image of someone who almost certainly doesn't want it posted in this context, especially as it features a clear picture of (presumably) her young son.
I thought this was fantastic and also appreciate that you blurred Jess’s face, though it’s all over the Internet anyway. It was still a nice thing to do.
That is NOT the ending I saw coming. I thought for sure Jessica’s story would end with her dead at a very early age.
Wheeeere is that from tho? It ain’t on Zola’s twitter. I love this shit.
And she becomes a vegan raw mommyblogger
But when you get comments like these, who the fuck cares:
It’s like a twitter version of a story my daughter will tell me after school. Full of drama about a bunch of people I don’t know. “And then Lorenzo was cheating on Molly with Pele and Pele was cheating on Corwin...”
My fave line:
(Sarah Koenig voice) But what would a woman who fux with boy shorts and pasties... be doing on Backpage?
I also like that the hook into the story is why Zola and “this bitch here” fell out, because it implies that they had a longstanding friendship before this series of incidents took place but TWIST they’d only just met at a Hooters and bonded over their hoe tendencies! And then the plot escalates from there.
No bad decisions were made here. Jesus’s suffering gave us the Bible, Zola’s gave us this. One must suffer for art.
“Zola goes to Florida, and what follows is—well, you know that part of Their Eyes Were Watching God where Tea Cake gets rabies”
i’m going to go out on a limb here and say that if a (relative) stranger asks you to go to florida with her, you should say no