I kid, I kid. The helmet hair is hilariously bad though. I don't know how these breeders got their hair style ideas for any of the longer haired breeds. It's like they look at the dog and think, how can I make it look criminally stupid.
She’s a woman who is a Republican trying to talk sense to Republicans. Yeah, should be successful.
Yeah, that’s it. Or I came across a story about a world-class asshole and bigot who also happens to be in the same business as the two clowns featured in the above story and dropped it into a comment thread, that could have happened as well.
I dislike her because she is so thirsty. She’s a truly gifted singer and actress (in the broadway style), yet she seems to desperately want to be known more for her looks: being “sexy” or conventionally beautiful.
look at abby breslin lookin like a fucking bad bitch
For me, it’s because she seems so insincere and smug. And that fake relationship she & Cory Monteith had always rubbed me the wrong way.
In my mind, Abigail is totally side-eyeing Lea’s “try hard.”
Not sure Lea Michele and Emma Roberts are capable of loving anyone else but themselves.
He f’d his presidential campaign up running with Palin. She terrified the in-betweeners. I always swayed left but I don’t hate McCain and he is certainly not the worst candidate the Republicans have put forth over the past 30 years. While I don’t always agree with him, I don’t think he would have been a horrible…
There is a lot wrong with the responses there. I mean GayPatriot is a terrible human being and just so much Islamophobia.
Thank god someone in this country is will to ask the question “but how do white people feel right now?”
Feeling pretty good about my username today, kids.
You must not be friends with any cops or wives of cops.