
The mother is the one sexualizing the kid by drawing on her chest, and outfitting her in a mirror costume. Let’s not pretend the mother doesn’t know what she’s doing.

The movie was really quite bad. But nothing in it was as awful as this prose:


*hands out pearls to be clutched*

Eh...who nose?

That sucks. I just visited Austin for the first time in June and I could see myself living there. Really liked it and Fredericksburg. Even if it is starting to shift right, I still like it more than Houston.

It was firing missiles. You’d see, if they’d stayed in formation, it would not at all have been phallic. Not terribly clever, but definitely not offensive. This fine is f**king stupid.

Uh huh.

I have lived it Texas my whole life, and though it leans a little more right, it’s not as bad as the rest of those states. I have always leaned a little more liberal, as have most of the people I have known, I think the left leaning population just feels like there is no point in voting since it is a red state. At

Don’t worry...we’ll have an airlift. And if you choose to walk across the border, we promise not to kick you as you come in.

If your Republicans aren’t so openly xenophobic, it’s because they’re afraid of waking the sleeping giant that is the Hispanic vote. Republicans in California pulled that anti-immigrant shit there decades ago and look what happened to them there.

Anybody besides me remember when the 70s came back in the 90s briefly? It looked exactly like this. So this is basically the 90s version of the 70s come back to haunt us all.

I agree totally.

Every state I’ve ever lived in, they automatically take your license away if you refuse. I hate to sound like a mom but buzzed driving is still drunk driving. If your driving is crappy enough that a cop pulls you over, I dunno.

Given the circumstances, my logic says she was pretty guilty of drinking and driving, and i hold no love for people who do that.

Wait...he thinks Texans are LESS dumb than the rest of us?


TY Kara!