
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Kim Davis’ understanding of religious freedom is seriously flawed. The marriage license only indicates that the couple has met the legal requirements to qualify for marriage. It does NOT confer religious acceptance of the marriage, so her religion isn’t being violated as far


The expression Jew someone (be cheap or stingy with something) was very common during my high school years until I started calling people out on it. I was a teen counselor for several years and had to shut that shit down very quickly. People’s reactions were often very apologetic once I said I was Jewish but

And I hope that one day you realize that it’s not worth frothing at the mouth over the lives of people who don’t care whether you live or die, by which I mean both the people in this story and myself. Grow up, meager child. Grow up.

I’d rather have a 1.7 carat flawless diamond than some 2.5 carat, gawdy piece of shit with no clarity and a bad cut.

Go soothe your hurts in a Natty Bo, friend.

Meh, I definitely feel like he’s matured a lot and has kind of been on an implied apology tour for a while now. Dope beats are the first way to getting America to like you again, just ask Chris Brown.

He is really emotional. If you ever listen to his interviews he’s definitely going through a lot. It’s not all resolved. I hope that the right people are helping him sort it out because it seems serious.

If that was the moment he realized he has way too much power, influence, and privilege to throw it all away over ego I am on board with this.

I do like that dress, tho. *hangs head in shame for liking such a cheap-looking monstrosity*

I looked it up...surrogate. Lucy Lui is 46 already, can you believe it?! I’m beginning to suspect this is the robot version of Lucy from Futurama, b/c this lady does not age!

I’ve never been so simultaneously attracted and repulsed. The character of “Danny” in Bloodlines was so sympathetic yet loathsome I found myself arguing with myself about it. Ben Mendelsohn for President. (or not. for, against, see?)

“Not all white people look the same”

Not all white people look the same racist.

I want to hear more about your training methods, and how you got healthcare providers to fall in line! From what I hear they can be...overzealous at best, downright aggressive and scary at worst. If I ever have a birth experience, I hope to have a doula there to help mediate this.

I love this movie. In college we would watch it at least once a month. And we constantly sang "It's too big to fit in here...."

I really wasn’t sure! Or maybe it was something from the 70’s or something? The only real understanding I have of them is from that movie The Sweetest Thing. I don’t understand though! It is a wall, yes? How much of a dick can fit through a wall? How do you know someone is ready to “receive” said dick? Do they knock

Yes. It’s Officer Ethan Embry.

okay but that officer is hot tho right