
In 7th grade, I chose to give a presentation on Shirley Temple Black and her post-Hollywood career. I think the assigned topic was just inspirational women or something. The internet wasn’t so hot back then, so I wrote her a letter, hoping for a form letter from her secretary to include in my report. Instead I

Apparently I was not emotionally stable enough either. My mother called to check up on me today cos people keep asking her why I deactivated my fb account... she hadn’t even realized I had. Oddly, closing it has helped... I can’t deal with that shit right now.

My armchair psychiatrist opinion of her behavior is it’s one (or more) of the following-

Right? Best one I’ve seen of the celebrity apology train was Jonah Hill, believe it or not. After he used a gay slur against a photographer, he used his next talk show appearance to address it and did it in such a way that was really sincere and believable. And, it was over in about 45 seconds.

How is it when star-types are 22, they’re learning and growing up and blah blah blah? When the rest of us were 22, we’ve all either finished degrees or have been working full time.

Yah, Ariana Grande was wearing on me already, but between LICKING FOOD YOU WERE NOT EATING WTF and “Sorry Babes,” she sucks.

I have been mightily high many times and never felt the urge to dickishly lick food that i had no intention of buying. Weed shouldn’t make her THAT dumb.

“I reacted in a way that wasn’t necessary...and wasn’t me.” What was she responding to? An act of aggression on the part of the donut? The human violation rights endemic in the powdered sugar industry? Was she taking a stand against the Man (donuts and the POLICE). She only eats free range donuts? Or was it duh duh

I just can’t with Ariana Grande. She was rude and entitled to that donut lady and as someone who has worked in food service before that is a definite turn off. And licking items in a store is just ridiculous as this publicist encouraged apology. I said this on the other post, but I’m going to go ahead and believe that

George is the cutest. I’m not a monarchist / royalist, don’t have kids, have no desire for kids, and I love this little guy. He’s so adorable, and I love the fact that he almost always looks like he’s ready to smack someone in the teeth.

he smiles!

Kate Middleton is so stunning... but it does seem like she’s become thinner over the years as she’s been subjected to more and more public scrutiny. I’m going to hope that it’s just that the photo was taken at an awkward angle and there’s not anything more worrisome going on.

Now, I’m not a fan of twee in most of its forms, but I’ll be damned if Kate dressing George similarly to how William was dressed for Harry’s christening isn’t goddamned adorable.

Harry is in Africa for the summer.

My mum hates the fact we have a royal family and even she thinks George is the cutest wean she's ever seen. (It's the cheeks)

also, i really want a donut.

w/e you say adult baby Ariana

I will unconditionally believe every single word about this man. If someone writes in to say he has a fetish for German circus clowns, I will believe it. If another person writes in to say that Trump makes his employees watch Beetlejuice once a year for motivational purposes, I will believe it. If someone details the