
Some people are really invested in disliking me, for a variety of reasons. Some of their critique was valid, some less so. I don’t like to write people off as haters, because I really do think if someone has made the effort to comment on something, they have a reason. Regardless of how little someone respects me, I

I get that they want a forum to express their opinions about bloggers, but bashing commenters? It’s like going after Kim Kardashian and getting obsessed with her accountant.

He used to be on a Canadian show for teenagers.

Possibly, if EVERYTHING that Snowden leaked had been found unconsitutional. Much of it was completely legal, and very much classified for a good reason.

Please, have some of mine. I have PLENTY TO SPARE

This is so sad—she was so young! I loved that movie when I was a kid and remember thinking that she was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen...especially in that amazing white suede fringe outfit. RIP, Amanda.

Let there never be a day when I am apologizing to a man because I had consensual sex with another man.

Eh. He’s a young, skinny man. All young, skinny men have the same butt anyway. Couldn't tell his apart from my husbands in a line up.

One of the business I worked with was being watched and when Snowden released all the emails and stuff, he releases my business emails too. So now my emails are on the internet for everyone who googles my name.

I am currently writing a young adult novel that is loosely based events that occurred during an FBI sting several years ago. As part of my research for the novel, I decided to attempt to contact the agent who was in charge of the original investigation. While I discovered his email address through perfectly reasonable

They were not illegal activity at the time. They absolutely legal. You may not have liked it, but every single thing the NSA was doing was within the letter of the law.

Bullshit. What’s the nail the coffin for democracy is when police shoot unarmed citizens and then turn around and use the state’s power to stop those citizens from seeking redress. What this fucker did was just criminal.

But if you knowingly do something illegal you have to be prepared to deal.with the consequences. That’s like civil disobedience 101.

My feelings about the criminality of Snowden’s actions are less about the documents he released than it is about the methods he used to obtain them. He took the position with the NSA with the express intention of finding information about surveillance programs to leak, and he not only used his own clearance to get

The only thing keeping him alive is the notion of what his death might bring. His death would further vindicate him, breed further distrust in the American government and the intelligence community, and serve as a major blow to deeply-invested private contractors.

Did you just criticize our government with no fear of retaliation? Try moving to a country where they’ll chop your head off for saying some mildly critical things about the dictator in charge. Life is not a zero sum game. You’re operating on simplistic and naive assumptions. The whole world is evil. In the relative

Also, the Government announced that if Snowden were to return he could eat a great big pile of Roadrunner Seed that they left out for him.

Whether you hate him or love him, he released classified information. Doesn’t matter if that classified information revealed horrible things about our government and various intelligence entities. His conscience has no bearing on anything. If you think he’s just gonna waltz back into the country a free man, you’re