
How I feel whenever anyone touches me ever.

If you haven’t seen it, watch Burt’s Buzz on Netflix. It’s a documentary about him and the company. It’s really amazing how simply he lived.

This has been my experience as well. Reddit has a varied user base. The subreddits that I follow and contribute towards have cultivated very positive communities. The internet has its share of dregs and Reddit is no exception, but it has its fair share of positive and forward thinking subs.

If you don’t want to be an asshole by association, maybe don’t use Reddit.

60% of Reddit users are women, and it has some pretty positive feminist spaces. While I agree some of the loudest idiots on Reddit are misogynist jerks, most aren’t. I think many among those 100,000 would share your viewpoint on why she’s a bad CEO, and many people really liked Victoria.

I’m with you on this—I avoided using Reddit for years (especially after the Fappening) based off of its terrible reputation. My husband would show me cute puppy pictures and mention other interesting things about TV shows we watch so, I took the plunge. There’s a LOT of filth out there, but it’s pretty easy to avoid.

I love this. You crack me up. There are myriad wonderful things to piss a person off about this snippet of news (the hilarious House-of-Windsor-humping royal-watchers, the suffocating ceremonial tedium, the gob-smackingly grotesque inherited wealth, the fruity family-heirloom pram, the hateful inherent injustice of

Frankly, I would like to join a tradition in which hats were the norm for church events still, especially weddings. I love them as accessories. Episcopalians, let’s get on this shall we? I’m super cool with the things we’ve done that break away from the rest of the Anglicans and the Church of England, but let’s please

Make sure not to use Twitter, too. Or Facebook. Asshole by association.

This is my view as well. The people who threw a tantrum when /r/fatpeoplehate was banned were loud, but they didn’t really represent the userbase. The people mad about Victoria and the way Reddit ignores the volunteers that keep their site afloat... that truly is representative of Reddit’s userbase. Some in the former

There is no “they”. Reddit users are not a monolith. r/twoxchromosomes has 3+ million subscribers. I’m not going to go through and list all the other dozens of women/feminist focused enormous subreddits. The entire point of reddit is that whatever you are into is available there. If you are a feminist, it’s available.

Comments like this irritate me. Reddit’s has 3.3 million commenters and has feminist/social justice subreddits which shit on this comment section. It has awful racist, fascist subreddits and it has amazing ones.

Yes, the poor sexist manbabies who have taken up days of protest over the unfair firing of a woman by a woman who falsely claimed gender discrimination and made a mockery of such a claim thereby setting back the ability of all women who actually suffer such discrimination to make such claims without seeming like

I signed the petition as I think Ellen Pao is not a good CEO and should be ousted, which is what the petition is about. You are entitled to your opinion, but please don’t call those who signed it “racist/misogynists.”

Urgh, i hate the petition and those signing it as they are racist/misogynists but it is increasingly looking like she is a fucking terrible CEO. Her firing of the women who runs AMA’s in such a disgraceful way is so inept. If i was VC firms who have $ in reddit I would be sharpening my knives.

I find that interesting because international adoptions are pretty much child trafficking and coming from a developing country myself I'm vehemently against them. I was so relieved when my country made them illegal. I think they should be illegal everywhere.

I hope things work out for you soon. But you’re seeing a doctor, right? Because my cousin needed fertility treatment at 26 and my BF had a baby at 39 the month she stopped BC. So sometimes it’s not age, it’s something physically wonky that needs treatment or just stress.

Anecdotal Evidence: I’m 32. It’s been 2 years. No baby. The panic is real.

Tbh, I’m 22 and I worry about this pretty often.

The timing on this article was perfect. I was just about to call my friend and ask how Amanda Seyfried’s eggs were doing, but you’ve saved me the trouble.