In Austin (where they originated and where the HQ still is) friends of mine and I used to call them Whole Paycheck.
In Austin (where they originated and where the HQ still is) friends of mine and I used to call them Whole Paycheck.
I hate when people bully me about being a child porn aficionado.
he’d been allowed to play as part of a “one-time supervised part of a rehabilitation process”
Yeah they are just butthurt about so many things and I love it so much they’re basically like WOW MORIARTY JUST VERBALLY ASSAULTS MY EYEBALLS BY COMMENTING SO MUCH
I’ve never loved anything as much as I love my GOMI haters today.
I wonder what it’s like to know that like half the women who see you on the street would drop to their knees and suck your dick no questions asked. I need that kind of power in my life.
JM: Suck his dick, immediately. I would drop to my knees and gag on it.
It may have been considered rude in the past to explicitly state “no kids” on the invitations, but this is 2015. People don’t all live in the same town and know the bride’s mom who is traditionally the Chief Disseminator of information of that kind. So if you don’t want kids at your wedding, SAY SO. It’s rude not to,…
Then all the Red Sox memorobilia, the Patriots bed sheets, and the framed Bruins Jersey. The Celtics stuff can stay.
Yes, to say that you would rather your child DIE potentially of measles than be autistic. Well then fuck you, you don't actually love your child.
THIS. Autism Speaks and other groups like it have demonized autistic people so much. Parents genuinely think an autistic kid will destroy their life.
Or putting other people’s children at risk. They give 0 fucks about everyone else around them except for their precious little snowflake spawn. And yet they refuse to protect and everyone else they may come into contact with because Autism for these people is a fucking death sentence. smgdh.
this. I’m on the spectrum. my grandmother is crippled from polio. Which would I prefer? definitely autism.
I do research with autistic adults, and the number one stigma they experience isn’t their social difficulties, because most people who aren’t assholes can accommodate disabled folks, but it is the parents who think that autistic people shouldn’t exist.
I know this is first and foremost a public health threat but I wish more attention was paid to the fact that buying into the autism-connection myth demonstrates a profound hatred of autistic people. It’s one thing to say, no, that’s bullshit, but people who spread it should also be confronted with the fact that they…
Unpopular opinion: I love Paris Hilton and she is living her best life. Girlfriend gets it and has been riding that train since the early 2000s.