Other inmate: “I got done for grand theft auto, vehicular homicide, armed robbery, assault and battery, and felony evasion.”
Other inmate: “I got done for grand theft auto, vehicular homicide, armed robbery, assault and battery, and felony evasion.”
my friend shaved the wires to the alternator on his car in such a way that when the thief grabs them, he will receive a very shocking surprise.
First class is pointless. If you can afford to fly first class, just grab a Wheels Up or something
If he (or anyone here) wants to send me one, I’m game
As a young Asian-American, I have found that whenever I do anything of class, people have some sort of Crazy Rich Asians reference.
As a young Asian-American, I have found that whenever I do anything of class, people have some sort of Crazy Rich Asians reference.
As a young Asian-American, I have found that whenever I do anything of class, people have some sort of Crazy Rich Asians reference.
FACT: Stevie Wonder wouldn’t want to look at one of these, and he’s, um, deficient in the area of functional eyes to the degree of 2.
XV50 Camry (2011-2019). Hands down, this is the worst one in my opinion. Sure, the pre-facelift looked bland. But Toyota does really well at making bland designs. When they try to do “aggressive” or “sporty,” they tend not to do so well (as evidenced by not only the post-facelift Camry shown here, but also by the…
Boom! Roasted!
It depends on the car, too. Reliability and running costs are huge factors. If I wanted a used M5 and made $150k a year, I might actually be better buying an F10 M5 for $30k instead of a lowish mileage E60 M5, purely because the E60 engine has a higher tendency to blow up. Just my opinion. Take it with salt.
I will die the minute Porsche makes an electric Cayenne and calls it the 911 e-Turbo or something like that. Almost like I did when I saw the Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross
Because economics
Well, I can supply you some beets. I will also provide a ship called the Beetlestar Galactica.
FACT: I can do one hell of a Trump inflection if you have me read these on camera. It will be great!
Just get rid of these damn unions already. They used to be beneficial, but now they’re just centers for whiney people to cry when people don’t let them get greedy.
If I opened a Youtube account that constantly livestreams or plays videos of this rock placed outside a Land Rover dealership, I think I’d have 100k subs by the end of the week...hmmm...business opportunity much?
Try RearTrak and we’re probably in business.