
The difference is that I don’t care.

That is exactly my point in what’s really wrong with this mentality. When someone wishes me “May the blessings of the Earth Mother be upon you,” they’re not imposing a custom on me: they’re extending their benevolence in what is customary to themselves. I, personally, am thankful eventhough I do not believe in such an

Wow. Talk about a 1st world concern.

Well, this is the dumbest article I’ll bother reading today.

I’m usually very middle-ground in my opinions regarding society, but this is one of those cases where I ask, “Why should the sneezing person care whether or not someone says ‘bless you?’” Most folks know if someone is having a sneezing fit, wait for a few moments for it to subside and extend the blessing. Likewise

Really, it’s come to this?

I have to say, as an HA enthusiast, I personally would never put in any of the wifi versions of switches. Z-wave, Insteon, etc are much more mature technologies. Ones like Insteon are actually dual band (power line and wireless) so you can really get some great coverage. It could be because I’ve never used wifi HA

Lutron WiFi switches are cheaper and just as awesome. I’ve gone almost completely Hue in my house. It hasn’t been cheap as I live in a Midwestern McMansion. But there are a few lights that I couldn’t replace with Hue. Such as the LED chandeliers from Vonn Lighting that I have. So I’ve installed Lutron WiFi switches to

You’re assuming the potential employee doesn’t also give an actual number. The anchoring concept hinges on the first number presented.
From the linked study:

So you end up hiring a lot of people who are really good at this specific skill, but potentially lack the other hard and soft skills required to actually be a good employee. And make no mistake, negotiating, whether it be salary or whatever, is a very specific skill, and one an employee might only use once, or once a

Yet you seem like a joy to work for.

Probably a good thing you wouldn’t hire them, I wouldn’t want to be hired by a company that doesn’t understand humor.

That’s why you preemptively rob your neighbors before they rob you.


Wow...uh...thats an oddly specific example

That is ridiculously specific.

What’s the worst that can happen?

They actually give you a high 100k salary.

Then you go and binge purchase all the stuff you ever wanted.

Then you get targeted by a jealous neighbor who then robs you.

Then you move to the wrong neighborhood.

Then you meet a person pretending to be your friend who then gets you hooked on

Thank you... If anyone ever returned a beer and told me the glass wasn’t “beer clean” enough my eyes would roll back so far I’d see my brain.

Oh God come on...not everything needs to be so crazy, does it? Can we just drink beer or does it now need to be complicated? I can guarantee the best beer I ever had (German, had it at 8k ft) tasted great because I enjoyed it out of whatever and didn’t sweat the small stuff.

My tricks even better... simply turn the glass upside down emptying the contents into your digestive tract... repeat as necessary until all your superficial fucks are gone.