
Make your content easily accessible on numerous platforms at a fair price. The researchers in the above mentioned paper found that for films and TV series, current prices are higher than what 80% of illegal downloaders and streamers are willing to pay.

Here in South Africa, you need to learn how to do it in order to pass your driver’s license. Engine braking was originally taught because of how unreliable car brakes were in the past. Nowadays I’d much rather not engine brake. Paying for new brakes every few years is much much cheaper than replacing my worn out

I’m not from the USA but from my outsider view, this just seems unbelievably irresponsible, hustling over a few hours on changes that would affect millions of people. There’s no way they these senators have enough time to assess the implications these changes will have on American people. Not really looking out for

“people like me”men?! Wow. That’s so misandronisitic it’s scary. He was referring to prejudgmental people using unnecessarily strong names.

In this instance I agree with the underlying issue Newt was trying to address in his own immature way. While Trump’s comments are disgusting, calling him a sex predator until those allegations by those women are proven correct is highly sensational journalism. He also attempted to draw attention to the view that

Banana for scale please? looks really cool.

I would love to see a picture of this crane from a distance just to see the actual size.

What phone is in the picture? I’m curious

I read the headline, and came here for this! oh how small minded people can be. “if you’re not with us, you’re against us”


“primary mission remains nominal” but the most difficult part is done. phew!

Jumping the gun a bit there, the Jason 3 is yet to deploy.

This will allow people to share cars rather than the current reality where they sit there idle after taking you to your destination.

That food in that picture looks gross and E. Coli ain’t helping.