
“Don’t wake up in the dark.” Weird piece of advice on daylight savings time day. :-P Guess I’ll have to look into one of those sunrise clocks.

Yeah, I can’t imagine they’d just lower the fares without compensating the drivers... but who knows. I also wonder how the driver would know you’re actually going to a polling place.

How do lyft discounts like that work? Does the driver still get the full pay? I ask becuase the gypsy cab services are not exactly known for being great with their drivers and as the drivers cannot really set prices, it becomes more of a “take it or leave it” scenario.

The more you have the more you lose that self control and you end up with a voice inside your head that says “ I’m good. I can totally have more!”

This is good advice. But it is hard to follow. Especially since I love drinks 3 and 4 most of all.

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

When peeling birch bark, be cautious not to ring it (peel all the way around) as it will kill the tree. Obviously in a survival situation this is at your own discretion, but no need to kill things if your just camping.

Personally, I also think that the idea of quick charging is an instance of companies chasing the wrong tech. The only reason there’s consumer demand for quick charging is because we need to charge our phones in the middle of the day. When you plug your phone in at 11PM for the night, no one’s frustrated because their

Folks also seem to miss the fact that a one degree climate difference is an average, not a constant, across time and geography.

A small first-person testimonial from a region highly affected by global-warming here in Brazil.
I live in Minas Gerais and my family owns land in couple of different areas one of which is close to a state natural park, called Serra do Cipó (Liana Mountain Range).
Our state’s main vegetation type is Serrado, sort of

Exactly the point. It is great to romanticize such things but the practicality is not always what people expect. It is usually something that is only appealing to most people in a short video. If you had to sit and watch the many days of labour you’d probably be bored after an hour and pack it in. It is slow going.

I get the impression that they are educated amateurs that did this because they have romanticized the archaic methods. I blacksmith as a hobby and would be the first to tell you that there is no significant difference between what I do and what modern methods do outside of the perception of a difference due solely to

The free market will force local conditions to be productive again. Simple!

I’m perpetually tired. Am I destined to be a couch commando for the rest of my life?!

It really is so much better. But, unfortunately, the reason it is so much better is that it cuts most of the “humor” from the other trailer out. That’s a big sign that it just doesn’t work.

Agreed to the nth degree. The real trailer removed most of my interest in watching the movie. This one actually made me excited.

Maybe it’s like how these days everything is ‘amazing’. Now ‘perfect’ isn’t quite what it used to mean, either.

he uses computers all the time. computers love him. he has fantastic computers, with many many friends.