
Oh my gosh, that teal though.

They could hide prototypes behind fake body parts. So it’d really be an Elan Mask.

No one in the last 30 years has earnestly tried to win them over to the left with real understanding of their problems. Probably worth a try.

There are people who are lost causes, certainly. But there are even more people who are eligible to vote and do not, and need something, or someone, to activate them.

Hey, just thought you should know, you’re opinions are complete and utter garbage. You might want to do something about that.

As the debate continued to heat up— and Dumas’ light-hearted trolling continued to draw the ire of humorless drips everywhere

Literally anyone could have written that false information. Your sources are suspect.

Pretty sure this isn’t how direct injection works

Please have him email me and tell me what the alloys are before I perish.

Alright so I can add something here. I don’t wanna sell it as the juiciest thing, but:

Kelvin Timeline Next Generation Fan Casting - Go!

Great article. There are modern extrathoracic negative pressure ventilators that are comparatively small and unobtrusive. They’re phenomenally expensive to use and service, but luckily we don’t live in some kind of crazy dystopia in which only the fortunate and wealthy have access to modern medical technology and

For all the folks in the comments getting angry about the Indian guy being critical of the fictional Indian character and that he should “just get over it.”

This is like eating a mediocre chicken sandwich at a restaurant and then demanding you also be allowed to eat the beaks and feathers.

because theyve been around for almost 3 quarters of a century

Look, I made it better!

Yeah I mentioned that in the article you didn’t read

Doesn’t everything?