
As indicated above: Proportions.


Here, I fixed the title for you.

But liftback...

Cadillac’s head of marketing has it half right, people WILL be lured by beautiful cars and they will buy them no matter how bad they are or how unreliable (I’m looking at you Jaguar, Range Rover, Maserati). But you have to have that beautiful car in the showroom for them to actually buy. You can’t expect to sell any

The Escala is used in ads to help drive traffic to the dealer. It’s called the Cadillac Escala aid.

I still think the El Mirage concept is the best looking large coupe I have ever seen. I want them to make it sooo bad.

Let us reminisce about all the amazing Cadillac’s that they refuse to build:

Mark Wahlberg’s big screen adaptation of the Six-Million Dollar Man has been quietly pulled from the Weinstein’s 2017 film schedule

“I can go on and on about this.”

Aladdin: Ryan Gosling

Well it’s no more ugly than when it came out, I’ll give you that.

If you like IKEA meatballs:

I was gonna say it’s nice to see a filmmaker not blame a failure on critics, but he does, even going so far as saying the audience in general “didn’t get it”.

I’m just kind of amazed no one made the obvious connection of having Wonder Woman use some kind of prototype Amazon tablet.

Eh. Think of what could have been.

My new favorite Tom Cruise anecdote is that Christian Bale based his performance in American Psycho on Tom Cruise’s 97 interview with Letterman interview. “He was aggressively likable but had dead eyes.”

I can’t look at him without questioning everything about his sanity.

I didn’t know Crowe was in it, Cruise and the other girl were on Graham Norton and they didn’t mention him at all. Cruise is very odd, he acts like he is Mr Professional Actor and for the most part he is the same guy in every movie. Apparently they actually went up in a plane, vomit comet, and did the plane shots