
You are missing the point. Porsche can now charge you $2500 to cover that in leather.

I’m nearly 50 and doing okay and you just hurt my feelings.

Just because something is old, and in good shape, doesn’t make it valuable.

Don’t even think about making that comment. Don’t.

The MIL is on. The security light is on. The oil pressure light is on. The battery light is on. The doors are open. And he’s not wearing his seatbelt.

Invisibility: crappy superpower, or crappiest superpower?

The Creature is ready for his 21st century reboot

Definitely better than his last Scorpio costume

Nazi-shaming. Dear god, these people love to feel persecuted.

You can imagine the kind of response she’s gotten.

What a goofy argument.

In before the debate even gets started.

The fact that Maher sucks isn’t really news.

“Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?”

Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?

Pretending to be someone else because you don’t want to get into a confrontation with a woman is extremely alpha, imo

Cadillac made that like a year after.

Hey Frank.

I could see a rogue gallery of (more) villains like this, all belonging to some organization with a cool S.P.E.C.T.R.E. name, like:

Since then, biologist Jacqueline Miller and her team at ROM have been working tirelessly to put the massive organ on display