
A baby bird in the nest that opens its brightly-colored mouth and makes a peep sound will be fed by its parents. It will continue doing this until it is a fully grown bird. Meanwhile, a baby bird that does not do this will starve to death.

This is all fake. This is CGI fake news put out by the libtard media. You’re round Earth shills.

Space stations: protected by twist ties and fabric

(Also, so much for all those flat Earth theories.)

You can have your crazy doors, I’ll take mine a little different.

Plus there’s an alien whose entire species is male so they can bounce tired gender stereotype jokes off of him too.

If you have enough money, you get tailored to the car, not the other way around.

No, it’s not “a right” it’s a virtual requirement for survival in this day and age. So by all means the govt should allow it to be monopolized, commercialized and made so expensive to use (not just monetarily), that the average American is left behind the rest of the civilized world. Yeah. That’s a great plan. Anyone

Please explain what a “net neutrality cultist” is and why net neutrality is bad, without filling out any more squares on the alt-right buzzword bingo card.

You made this comment on a neutral internet. If you live in the US, every comment you have ever made has been on a neutral internet. You’ve benefitted from net neutrality since the day you first went online.

To me, it seems that Pai is the snowflake who can’t take a joke.

if Ajit Pai was a comedian like John Oliver, then yeah. but he’s the Chairman of the FCC. he should be more... professional?

Pai is so transparent. He’s still doing the show that Oliver called him out on.

People who fight against new words are fucking old and stupid, words are created and used, it comes back, it goes away, that is language.

Can we take a minute and appreciate that we are now up to THREE fucking people who are believably dead shark fuckers? That is a stunning amount of people who we believe would fuck a dead shark.

Matin Kratt: “What if we could mate with sharks in the wild?”