
Honestly I think it was ALWAYS too late to do a film based on the book. I was actually very happy that the original movie turned out to be nearly unrelated to the novel. I love the book dearly but I really don’t want to see it condensed to a 2 hour movie. For me it’s a tv series or nothing.

There is only one man qualified to answer this question, and he happens to work at your office.

Scientology is really not comparable to Islam, or any other established faith with centuries of history and millions upon millions of followers.

“Our goal is to facilitate positive discussion among solution-oriented people who believe in the power of sharing ideas and personal connections.”

There’s a horse in the demon mythology and the Challenger has pony car heritage.

Tail of the serpent

This is a DEMONOLOGY story. Smite him, Bathin! Smite him!

“Fuck you! Love, Joe.”

“You have a Stupid airline SLUT!!!!appearance.”

...Here you go.

I understand a show’s need to up the ante every season, but this is just too horrific, and takes things way way too far. How did this get past the censors??

Ryan Murphy told E! Online the new season will not cast actors to play Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, but instead use real footage from the 2016 Election for all of their scenes.

Julian Assange is like “Wait, what? How could this man who has betrayed and grifted everyone for everything betray me?!?!”

Five dollars says it’s something completely banal like “Hey Steve - Do we still need this old document?”

They’re also planning to work with a spectral imaging team to see if they can read some of the text that was scraped away at the top of the document.

“Recently however, consumers tests found that their bones could be hurt just as much by squeezing their bags with their bare hands.”

It looks like its a brand new T-shirt, with its new T-shirt fold lines. In which case all it needs is a quick washer/dryer run. Here it looks like he pulled it out of the Amazon envelope and threw it on.