
If you had told me 6 months ago that someone was going to let David Goyer make a show on SyFy network about Superman’s grandparents hooking up, I would have told you that’s the worst show idea I’ve ever heard.

Wait wait wait....Grandpa Superman is Seig....EL?

The tiny hood emblem looks so tacky right above the gigantic grille logo. What were they thinking?

I can’t wait for upcoming Mercedes where the manufacturer emblem is the entire hood of the car.

I know, right?!

I’m pretty sure this is where the MCU officially jumps the shark

Many early critics screening reports say this is the single best MCU entry yet.

I’ll reserve judgement until we see where this lands on the Fast ‘N’ Loud / Wheeler Dealers spectrum.

I feel bad for this kid! His petty crime made international news because of a name he probably already gets loads of shit for.

Well this image of the GS leaked 3 days ago:

If you’re stomach can’t handle Taco Bell, you either have IBS or you’re Danish.

The desert is the only nice area of Reno.

Apparently, Elon didn’t check the Bioweapon Defense Mode box when he ordered his Gigafactory.

That’s the high quality BURN you can only get from battery acid.

You’d think with all the panel gaps, ventilation would be fantastic.

Gigafactory’s HVAC system obviously isn’t as good as the Model X’s allegedly is.

They exploded whole-ass planets!

I’d go there just for the History Garage. That 2000GT is absolutely gorgeous. People often speak of the most beautiful cars ever made. I’d put the 2000GT on that list.