

I’m sorry, but by his own standards, he is behind 9/11! Follow the money! He gained more net worth as a percentage than anyone else! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

Every ride you take
Every choice you make
Every ride record you break
Every poop you take
We’ll be watching you

Damn. I was really hoping to see her finish out the new trilogy. That said, if they couldn’t scrap together enough to make for a memorable appearance, there’s no sense forcing it and ultimately disappointing people.

The old Ahmadinejad Gambit: Homosexuality is illegal here; therefore, gays do not exist; ergo, we cannot possibly be persecuting them! Human rights whaaaaat?

No. That’s exactly the claim he wants to make. And he’s proud to do so.

SOLID DEFENSE, DUDE. Can’t imagine why people are worried about your treatment of gay folks.

I swear that if that happens I will sit through the movie, probably enjoy it, and not really complain all that much!

lol you wish you could quit.

Um, while I’m probably reading very far into this. This is her first rain right?

Idea: Paint it with chalkboard paint, have kids attack it for day. Then put it on display for a month. Lather, rinse, repeat. 

Spent entirely too long trying to figure out how I never noticed that Paul Hollywood had one tiny T-Rex arm.

Lucid: “It would be irresponsible to start moving earth or start anything until we have a financial runway to execute that professionally and with absolute integrity.” 

Meanwhile in Detroit

Whenever anyone says “I could have anyone I wanted” you know they are delusional and you should very very quickly run very far away.

dating in New York as a 30-something executive in private equity

Benedict Beckeld, the Brooklyn writer in his late 30s

Pacific Rim struggles to get a sequel but Transformers has 6 goddamn movies? Fuck American filmgoers.