
I’m going to assume the regeneration tease with 12 clutching his chest while his hand begins to glow is from “Oxygen” and he’s suffocating.

Ah, now eventually you DO plan to have Ragnarok in your, in your Ragnarok movie, right? Hello?

Fuck This Honda Ad<em></em>
Now playing

Look, I totally get the message Honda is trying to convey in this commercial. But it’s just not landing. Not at all.

At this point its like whatever too me. They teased us for too long. I would have rather had an all new Challanger than this. This is the equivalent of an old guy thinking he’s cool because he lost weight and got a leather jacket and some shades.

I’m glad this car exists, and relieved Dodge is finally showing us the whole thing, but nothing about this car excites me anymore.

The entirety of her being was raised into building a brand around herself. Her only self worth is her brand and now it’s seemingly very publicly damaged. So of course she’s freaking instead of doing the smart thing and realzing where she went wrong and correcting her missteps. It’s how she was raised and understands

“The world sees her as this glamorous, sophisticated, jet-setting woman,

I imagine that when you belong to the kind of shallow, narcissistic world that the Kardashian clan has built for themselves then the smallest bit of criticism must be really hard to take.

Is this shade? Again, I blow at it, but...

Good to see Bill still working.

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a person in possession of good receipts is delivering a read, not shade.”

Not Fast 10 Your Seat Belts?

How can you write Fast and Furious X when the title is so obviously going to be Fur10us?

That’s reverse racism!

This is a beta-test for Ivanka’s national child-care program

Fuck all of you Social Justice Warriors. Tarzan was about a white man who is raised by apes.

Ah the luxury of having never bought an item from Walmart. You obviously have never lived in a small town with poor parents, and the only place for 30 miles is a Walmart. In rural areas, it’s a necessity.