
I sold my Xbox One and used all the monies for PS4 and PC stuff.

It always amazes me when other gamers have more than me.
I'm headed there too my friend.
Help me indeed.

I have PS4 and a PC, so right now I use my PC more often for gaming.. and those digital PC sales are making my Steam library grow to 230 games. Which I probably haven't even played all of them yet.
I need an intervention, as do most.

But I'm saying normal is easier than usual, like comparing to the game launching. Reading through some of these comments, it just seems that Normal is for beginners. I've since then upped the difficulty.

Damn.. I didn't expect this to pop up here on Kotaku when I made this.

I just found a legendary shield right before I logged offline last night. I might mess around with the settings. As of now it just seems like I'm playing on casual. Thanks for the advice.

I just got back into Diablo III recently and started a new game with the Crusader and I'm already level 32 on act 3. With the new loot 2.0 update, I feel the game has gotten rather easy on normal? ... I really don't recall playing the earlier version being all the easy.. Unless the crusader is just a powerhouse.

Yeah, I couldn't help myself.

I don't care for the hood on Subzero.
I prefer this version.

YES! It all makes sense now!

There I fixed it. :)

The whole time I was thinking.. A bonus level (Easter Egg if you will) for those old school THPS games lol

I'm in debate on picking up this game, I should just reserve a copy for PS4.
Also I've always loved the art style for this game series.

I remember playing the demo for MGS1, and hating the demo since I had no idea wtf i was doing. lol then I got my hands on the full game and loved it ever since!

Also I wish that they focused on making a game with Gray Fox instead of Raiden. IMO Gray Fox is a much more interesting character than Raiden.

I did notice it in the above video which is unavailable, but when I play the game on XB1 to me it doesn't look that bad. Only thing I've noticed while playing was the screen tearing, which isn't something that bothers me too much. & a bit of slow down when there's a big group of titans fighting each other.

Why did I buy into next gen? ... well because of games. I play games for my entertainment, doesn't matter which platform I play on I will enjoy them.
Don't get me wrong games with beautiful graphic are great, but when I'm playing a muliplayer shooter, I really just don't take in the sites.
Now if we were talking about

I think my personal favorite Snake character is Solid Snake from the original MGS game for PS1 since it was the first game I played in the series as a kid. That game will hold the most nostalgia for me.
Also MGS PS1 is my all time favorite MGS game.

To me it is, I'm having a great experience.
I'm sure it's just as great on PC if you decide to go that route.