Aren’t single player games thriving right now? The issue may be more major publishers caring more about shareholders than gamers
Aren’t single player games thriving right now? The issue may be more major publishers caring more about shareholders than gamers
You contradicted yourself right off the bat. Ignoring that, most dev teams for AAA games are fairly large and development advances in stages, meaning not everybody has something to work on at every moment. Just because you have your texture people updating the textures of an old game doesn’t mean that your new game…
You feel what I’m sayin’?
God and Jesus should’ve told him ahead of time to rethink this stupid plan.
Same. I was a third key a little over a decade ago and made in the mid-$9.
This was a small show meant to show off a few games that are releasing soon. It wasn’t supposed to be an E3 conference with major announcements.
I was there from 07-12. Until about 2010 it was a fucking blast, then it really really started to suck. I can’t even imagine it now.
I’m and old vet from the Babbages days (store 194 for Life). I out in 6 years from 1994 to 2000. Corporate was always a bunch of idiots but my store and the people I worked with were mostly cool. I had some real good times and it was a great first job. They also were cool enough to not actual formally remove me from…
I worked there around that era, and I could totally see it transitioning into something less hospitable to its staff, and way less useful to its customers. It really was fun early on though.
Funcoland (which was bought and merged to become GameStop) was the store that got me into gaming in the first place.
Funny. 2006-2011 was my exact run as a GameStop employee. Awesome job at the store level, terrible job at the company level.
The Halo 3 midnight release was insane. Same for Skyrim the first time it came out.
Lol. I had a bunch of friends that worked for Gamestop in the early 2000's, and they said the same thing about the company in o4. Company has been circling the drain for a long time, but the wad of hair and soap-scum that is Gamestop never quite reaches the drain.
It was mostly for Halo and CoD at the store I frequented, too. The gaming truck was a late addition, they used the demo units in the store up until they started hiring the truck. I distinctly remember playing MW2 on an old CRT TV that was hanging from the ceiling. Good times.
GameStop was riding blazing high on Wii and the rest of the 7th gen consoles during that era. The irony is that they made no particularly smart business decisions to earn that success; the massive sales and constant shortages of Wii merchandise drove demand for used Wii goods (a 75%+ markup for GameStop) through the…
From 2006-2011 was the most fun I’ve had working for any job
Kudos for the unseeable(not a word!!) giraffe BJ
Ye old giraffe getting a bj cover. I still can't believe they announced the cover at e3 and didn't change it for release