
If it’s been about 5 years or more then that is fine with me. As long as they’re offering the upgrade for current owners for $10 with bonus content, I’m 110% fine with it.

Why does it matter what sexuality a video game character is?

Maybe she needs it to play Prison Architect, or Prison Simulator lol

I don’t get why 2k didn’t price it at $29.99. This just seems like a lazy cash grab. I’ll just wait for a deep deep sale.


I used to enjoy working for them a decade ago. It was a fun time then. My co-workers and costumers were the reason why I enjoy going to work everyday. GameStop (2495) was the most fun I’ve ever had at a job.

I was re-hired 2 years ago after 10 years gone and was paid $10 per hour as a third key. That was the same rate of pay 10 years ago when I originally worked for them. lol

I own most of these games. They seem to typically go on sale often. Not a big deal tbh

Well I did. The deluxe edition was only $7.49 which to me was worth it.

Agreed. I tend to ignore crafting unless items can be crafted during gameplay like The Tomb Raider Trilogy or Horizon.

After returning back last year, it was weird that they seemed to stop pushing res and their main focus just seemed to be GPG’s and Game Informer. Hard to believe Game Informer is still alive.

Halo 3 was my first midnight experience ever. That was the time when I fell in love with the gaming culture. What a great time. 

We would do the same with most big midnight launch titles though we would take the Xbox 360 and the PS3 demo units out of demo mode to show off the games for everyone. Mostly with Halo and Call of Duty. :)

I worked for GameStop after 10 years, and I can say it doesn’t seem like the place it once was. From 2006-2011 was the most fun I’ve had working for any job until its demise from a store shutdown! My store staff were some great people.

I was referring to the dino helmet she is wearing in the picture.

Is this headpiece in the game? I need this. lol

I was thinking about picking this up for my Xbox (Series X) this week but I’ve heard the game seems to be crashing the console is this true? Also does this not have smart delivery?

Funny story actually, A friend of mine I work with gave me her cup that she was going to toss in the trash - long story short I entered the code with no hope of winning and BOOM the text read Winner! I was in disbelief tbh. 

Seeing as I got my series x today from Taco bell - I’m siding with Xbox for now lol

We should be able to link our Origin account to Steam so we don’t have to rebuy these games. Hopefully they’ll introduce a feature at some point down the road.