
Of course PC is going to look 'better' that is expected. I personally don't think consoles will ever catch PC because it's always evolving.

Agreed, I do not either. I focus on playing the game. To me it looks great on XB1.

Because most (not all gamer's) seem to only care about graphics. I'm not one who cares for them.
1. Gameplay

Been playing on XB1 and to me it look just fine. Everyone seems to be graphic whores. These comparison videos are silly.

I like what I like, they're not all bad.

Mostly Steam games yes, some Origin (zomg! I don't mind that either)
I basically have Chrome, Spotify, Steam, Origin, Photoshop, & Blizzard Game Launcher on my task bar. oh, and that start button I never use.
I believe you can only boot to desktop, if you don't want it to boot to the Metro UI.

I don't know about tips. I just use it for gaming, browsing the web, & blogging... Whatever..

Every game I own for my PC works great on Win8/.1

Maybe for you, but I like it. Works great for me it's always fast and responsive.

I picked it up for about $60/70 last year.

I like windows 8.1 Sorry if you don't.

Review Round-Up

"So, the new Thief kinda sucks"

OMG, good to see my edit made it.

That was both awesome and creepy, nice!

Now playing

This glitch just happened. I couldn't stop laughing.

I'm currently playing and I'm loving this game.

Review Round Up

Just keep and eye out, I usually make a post on most games.

Maybe in my next review round up, since I cannot re-edit this post.