
Dude, that's some fuckin' creep shit.

I'd like the source of the statement that "Detergent can lose some of it's effectiveness after a while" (and of course an apostrophe does not belong in that sentence). I've long bought the 28 lb buckets of Kirkland powder detergent, which last me about 1½ years. I've not noticed any loss of effectiveness.

Based on my consumption of pizza, my team would be me and one other person... or me and morning-cold-pizza-for-breakfast me.

The way everyone's reacted lately, I expected the "worst thing" to be the inability to play as a transgendered male-to-female Eskimo with a peg leg Assassin in revolutionary France.

more than 3 shakes is playing with yourself

But the bright side is that you are now the American sports journalist who was banned from the 2014 Olympics for online pics of you yanking off your knob.

Here it is now where's my money

  • Dodge & Burn, $10,000 for a decent photograph of anything

I think it's an important detail. It helps explain why a Nissan Note was being delivered there in the first place.

It appears this guy is butt hurt. violated someone's space, he muttered something sotto voce, then you went and wrote an angry screed about it?

My daughter is 16 and she still wants to buy half the store. All the stuff is just so ... CUTE.

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

Maybe it's my monitor, but I really can't tell from this picture which is the mentally challenged one.

- Headphones

Yessssss! Hi-yooooooooo....

He should have just had Ed move down one bar stool.

Man. Between this and Sochi, the IOC must really hate fags.

Things you say when you're from Pennsyltucky