
I’m just going to leave this here [from Wikipedia’s history of Android]:

If you hate the glasses, you’re going to be super pissed that the answer to your “how do they fit that tech into some wire-rimmed glasses” question is that they don’t.


I would much rather Rex show up than boba so i hope this is what happens.

Excellent list of sold out stuff ;)

Excellent list of sold out stuff ;)

But even more interesting than that little Easter egg is that Raffi and Seven, for a quick moment, intimately clasp each others’ hands. Are a relationship now? Somehow?”

Waiting for that cat licking the plate to knock the next domino over is as tense as a Hitchcockian thriller.

I mean you can already do this with any car with adaptive cruise. Most cars have a maximum acceleration rate on ACC so that the car doesn’t just floor it to get back to 80mph. Idk if I’ve ever been in one that lurches ahead.

So, you intentionally spend time out on our public roads trying to make things more dangerous for everybody else? 

Why would you want to do this?  Why does it please you to make someone else’s day more difficult?

Sometimes the YouTube comments bless us with a gem:

the more i read about this person the less i am impressed by her.

I have two 16 year old cats and can definitely attest to them bonding. One of my cats is sleeping in front of me on my desk right now as I work. if I’m using my gaming PC, he’ll generally sleep next to me or even drape his arm or body across my left arm. If I’m on the couch playing video games or watching TV he’ll be

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

here we go

“That asshole is just ripping off Oasis!”

Thank goodness toilets in Japan are so efficient.

It’s velvety with a hint of Earl Grey.

I don't like that photo of Tyrion. Sign my petition to get HBO to redo it.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from the internet it’s that Ant-Man plays a very important role in this movie. Excited to see the big opening!