123 Ukraine St., Ukrainevilles
123 Ukraine St., Ukrainevilles
“Local hipster whines about stuff.”
I charge mine in the morning when I’m getting showered and dressed. Works just fine.
Simple solution: if you don’t like it, don’t buy a Mac. Done. And it’ll save you hours of bitching on the Internet.
This and the Beastie Boys documentary are _maybe_ the only reasons I’d touch AppleTV.
You just saved me signing up to AppleTV. Thanks.
Stick a fork in him, he’s done.
Sounds simply scrumtrulescent.
Half-shell. Turtle (genetics!) power!
Only thing I remotely want to watch on this service is the new Beastie Boys documentary. Beasties + Spike Jonze = gold, every time.
Boo hiss... the people responsible for the show didn’t do exactly what I wanted and service me, individually, as someone who consumes their product. Boo hiss.
Everything is fragile. I can’t believe the Russian trolls are coming with such obvious takes these days. Must be running low on rubles.
and not catch or spread a virus!
Season 1 and 2 were pretty bad, but “Masks” - which is like two episodes before the series finale or something - is one of the worst episodes. Just for the stupidity of it.
I sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.
X-Bone would also be XBox XXX.
Whoa whoa whoa... don’t get your fedora in a twist, pal. Mom’ll get those Hot Pockets down to you as soon as she can, but those basement stairs are pretty steep.
Why is there no discounted bundling package for Disney+ & Hulu together, for existing hulu customers? I went into the account page this morning on my Hulu account and ... nada.
Mixtapes on cassette. It was an art form.
> “I’ve never seen so many dead hookers in all my life.”