
How much will you save on toilet paper...? since you will never take a crap again after eating this much pasta.

Demi Lovato already has one.

I have. It’s why I can’t stay at Marriotts anymore.

Someone’s a pro at hose management.

A dramatic reenactment of how to make Tim Horton’s coffee, I see.

I don’t want any major lip service...just minor lip service.

You’re spreading the joke pretty thin right there, doing a discervix to everyone who reads it.

Watch “Chaplin” with Robert Downey Jr. There’s titties all over that movie, and it was PG-13.

Yeah, very true. I’ve found good joints from his show. All I’ve learned from Bobby Flay is what it’s like to not have a soul and operate a grill.

Any offerings if you have Spotify Premium and Hulu Live?

Oh, are we pretending to be reddit today?

Ms. Bernot, shush! Disparaging the donut is a bootable offense!

I guess you can only take a dump in China now.

Kevin Spacey did it until recently. And he own an Oscar®.

These guys all have haircuts like Nazis.

That cat has seen shit, man

I imagine it depends on how flexible they are.

The dry cleaning bills for getting fluids out of those costumes must be immense.