
Wasn’t that a review for Requiem for a Dream, as well?

Tits and lightsabers

Returns a 429

Nah, man, everyone at the McDowell’s caught that reference.

1998, The Avengers. Not the Marvel Avengers, the reboot of the British TV series. Up there with Godzilla in terms of 90s throwback fascination. And they somehow got Sean Connery in this turd.

Perhaps I missed it, can this be attached to an existing home security service, in place of their existing hardware?

Yes. Irish people are quite experienced with racism.

So, he “explained” 3-4 times?

Wonder if it’s all related....

Yoda called Luke “the last Jedi.” So, it refers to Luke. He could be having a crisis of conscience as to whether he was ever meant to train other Jedis or not.

Most computers come with one year now. Why? Because they can sell you an extended warranty, that a great majority of people will never use. Free money for your poor international technology company!

The ol’ fightin’ Cockgobblers.

Cock of Apple sounds like an insult from the Middle Ages.

I don’t understand why they can’t have both options under a 3D Touch control, with a Settings option to determine the non-3D Touch action, similar to the iPad letting you decide if the side switch controls rotation or mute.


Real people watch this utter crap? If I wanted to hear some up her own arse teen talk about shopping and her pedantic life, I’d eavesdrop at almost any Starbucks in the US.

Radiohead ripped off Coldplay with the same lack of regard as Obama not doing anything during Katrina, and everyone knows it! Sad!

Then close the international airports and bridges that lead to neighboring countries, too. Maybe put some sharks with lasers on their heads in the oceans, too.

Yeah, there’s no spunk left now.

They have Lifehacker up your own ass?