
Conversely, I’d pay _more_ if they made it more of a matchup of a HUD and Alexa, with a screen. Perhaps Amazon, with all their various Alexa-enabled devices, will eventually try that out; they’re adding screens to a lot of stuff now.

Maybe they should start with their app not looking like a 2003 website stuffed into an app on my phone. Seriously, it’s awful.

If you need a spoiler warning for a trailer, I suggest you a) trim your neckbeard and b) avoid TV, radio, the internet and probably carrier pigeons for the next 3 months.

Was this test conducted in Alabama? Might have skewed the result set.

Going to be honest: I just came for the pictures of obese cats.

Mario’s donkey punching a dinosaur... that’s my take on this.

I’m still not clear on why this is even an issue... there are several Supreme Court rulings stating clearly that “forcing” someone to perform the salute or anthem or anything of the sort is unconstitutional (WV BoE vs Barnette, etc).

“Cause and Effect” was a decent episode, there were far worse... I’m surprised “Masks” or “A Fistful of Datas” didn’t make it on here.

Bezos would have to be polite, and you know that just ain’t gonna happen.

5nizza are Ukrainian, not Russian, though they perform in Russian.

Some people like going to empty stores and talking to husky guys in undersized polos. Im sure there’s a subreddit for that fetish.

The iPhone costs over $1000US in most countries.

How can you have two headquarters?

Counterpoint: does Mia Kalifa think about the milli0ns of black children that have needlessly died on her glasses? I doubt it.

If I could score that set, I’d be ok with being an asshole at the mall. I’d be struttin’ like there’s no tomorrow.

Sure. Chicago will remain “Illinois” and the rest of the state can become “Illitucky.”

