Then Something New

I’m nominating my current car that I’ve had for two years now.

I live in Asheville,NC and used to own a Legacy GT wagon and have had this ‘08 535xi for about a year now and I often say this BMW is the car I always wanted my LGT to be.

Wow, I feel like this question is just the one for me to answer. I’m 34, live in Asheville,NC and used to own a Legacy GT wagon and have had this ‘08 535xi for about a year now and I often say this BMW is the car I always wanted my LGT to be.

I believe I just bought mine yesterday.

The keys here are less the visual design colors, fonts, shading, and more on the interaction design layout, informational arrangement, and how the system transitions between a data heavy screen and a more simplified center weighted one.

Oh man they totally kicked by dashboard design that I was showing around in 2015. I worked for a small company that was selling display software to automotive manufacturers. I came up with a design that used 3d animations in a hexagonal shape that could compress and open up to change modes.

It totally was. It was at the Thermal Club where you have to buy a multimillion dollar house ON THE TRACK to get access. We had two days there with any lens we wanted, a pickuptruck to get rolling shots, and drift cars making smoke around us.

I’ve heard the dude talk about it for years, and it’s true. If you want to shoot cars, you have to find them and get yourself next to them. You can’t just say I want to shoot car photos while sitting at home.

The other part that’s not covered in that video is that this dude is spending immense amounts of time giving back to the automotive photography community.

If you want some help shooting photos/videos of it around LA hit me up!

This is my absolute favorite travel bag! Thanks for the heads up so now I can just throw two in the back of the truck for the weekend!

This is my absolute favorite travel bag! Thanks for the heads up so now I can just throw two in the back of the

RARE street racers 5 of 100 specialty imported to USDM.

It was ridiculous. I now know to pay someone to do their own independent appraisal and they’ll negotiate. The independent adjuster took their time and came up to $3,000 and they negotiated to an agreed $2,600.

Yeah! Skip lives on in infamy!

My first real job out of college, I spent my hard earned paycheck on a 1991 Black and Tan Miata.

Just fucking rad! Good job man.

Or you can buy one from my friend for less than half the price at $17,000!

First, thanks for being an awesome approachable dude in the paddock at events; I’ve noticed the entire garage area vibe at Daytona change slightly over the years from it.

You are absolutely correct! Their media game is phenomenal leading up to events this year. The thing for me that really makes these stand out is the stellar audio mixing.

Annnmnnnnnd Jalopnik falls for the joke