Then Something New

I’ve never seen a YouTube video with such good closed captioning.

Based on personal experience they’ll be fine. Everyone showed up to the factory sober the last year they made the Disco II

It also looks and sounds great on track!

I was just at Tureck’d Bash in Portland yesterday and Coffman absolutely destroyed the track. He was an awesome guy to talk to in the pits, gave tons of ride alongs, and let it rip from pit exit to entry each time he was out.

You joke, but this exact hat is the only way I survived some hot summers at Bonnaroo standing outside in the sun for hours.

Sent, just let me know when you’re up in this neck of the woods.

We’re actually opening up another floor to our office here. So you’re gonna have to move out West!

You’re lucky! I got some solid EXIF data off my phone for that one.

Doug, your recent Land Rover videos are spreading through our Jaguar Land Rover R&D office like a wildfire recently.

This is correct

We have an F-Pace in our R&D garage but my wife and I decided to go ahead and get the Disco.

I first made a reto looking first generation miata.

Mars One. I get an almost daily laugh every time I see that on the news. I hang my head in disbelief every time I see an interview asking people what they think about being selected to go to Mars. So delusional.

These watches are great! I would recommend anyone to get one. I usually wear my moto 360 from day to day but I always wear this watch when I’m on travel and don’t want to worry about bringing a charger or if I’m doing something outdoors on the lake. I always get compliments from my tan one and bought it last year when

These watches are great! I would recommend anyone to get one. I usually wear my moto 360 from day to day but I

Hey Darren,

That video is just brutal. I always pair it with Climb Dance.

I always like the slammed Jeep. That was the one that really made me like the series.

There was an HD version of this some where and I tried looking for it a while ago, but could never find it. This video is glorious.

I was in exactly the same boat with the '09 manual hatch. But then I straight traded for this beauty when the depreciation on both cars were even.

This, I only get to work on my miata because I have a second car. When one was rear ended I could take the year to fight with insurance, get more money, and source another miata. I couldn't have done a lot of things if it was my only car. At any one time I never had more than $15,000 in cars, but I've always had